Understanding the Different Block Types

You can create your trading strategies by dragging and dropping various blocks in the Visual Strategy Editor to compose your trading strategy.  

  • WHEN Block – used to perform certain actions WHEN specific trading signals / market conditions occurs.  Trading signals can be based on technical indicators (i.e. Bollinger Bands, etc), calendar events (i.e. earnings dates),  and/or portfolio attributes (profit targets, greeks, etc).WHEN Block
  • Market Studies Block – contains hundreds of different technical, statistical, volatility studies.  It can be attached to the WHEN Block to construct your entry / exit trading signals.Studies Block
  • Strategy Block – used to define the stock and option strategies to trade. It contains various features that will allow you to customize your trades to your specific requirements.Strategy Block
  • Logic Block – used to define certain logical expressions (equals, greater than, isBetween, crossesOver, etc.) as well as boolean conditions (AND, OR).
  • Logic Block
  • Portfolio Studies Block – can be used to create rules based on the position’s statistics / attributes, such as greeks, breakeven points, ROI, stop loss, profit targets, etc…
  • Position Stats
  • Plot Block – can be used to plot stock prices, technical studies, profit/loss of the positions, option greeks, etc.
  • Plot Block
  • Manual Trade Block – can be used to perform traditional manual backtesting, in addition to automated backtesting.
  • Manual Block
  • Variable Block-  can be used to create variables that reference  specific attributes of your portfolio, positions, technical studies, etc.